Friday, April 3, 2009

One Dispute Never Solved...

There is one thing that will never be agreed upon in the Casa de Wang.

Homosexual Marriage.

Me, I love the gays.
Dad, loves God.
God says no gays.
Sorry, Gays.

Now, I love God too. And I know God loves everyone. So I know God loves gays too. He just doesn't want them to get married. Huh. Love the sinner, hate the sin. I get it.

I guess marriage is just not what old people hold it up to be anymore. What's our average divorce rate? 50%? Higher? In high school relationships, if you haven't exchanged vows of love by the first month, something is seriously wrong. It's like Edward breaking up with Bella. WRONG. (Couldn't resist.) Love has been reduced to just a word. "I love gays." "I love Chipotle." "I love House." I think I mean all those, but would I do anything for love? Would I allow myself to be crucified to preserve the existence of House, Chipotle, and homosexuals? House, maybe; homosexuals, doubtful; Chipotle, hell yes.

But love is love is love. It's sacred. We mean it when we say it. (Well, hopefully we mean it when we say it.) If we fancy ourselves in love, then we are! So why limit love? Aren't I supposed to love my brothers and sisters? Weren't we once populated by incestuous brothers, sisters, cousins, and other extraneous relatives? THE WORLD MUST BE PEOPLED.

Gays deserve no less. Their love is hot. Our love is not. Don't be jealous.

So we were watching the news, and they were reporting on the recent overturning of a ban on gay marriage in Iowa. I cheer. Dad says "humph." Then, they interview some JERK (and I am completely unbiased about this, of course) who says "I am severely disappointed...blah blah." So I say, "YOU BIGOT." (Still being unbiased and respecting his right to hate, of course.) and Daddy goes "Blah blah! Respect!" Then he says this:

"What if you say your mom or I kissing with someone else. What if I was kissing another male."

No hesitation.

"Go for it. Whatever makes you happy."

That shut him up. HA! My love does not discriminate. Unless we're talking about race. Or gender. Or body weight. Or mental illnesses. Then my love is choosy all over the place. But my love is for EVERYONE.

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