Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I've been having a fabulous break. By fabulous, I mean that every morning I wake up at 9ish and SMILE. You know that feeling you get when you get home after an exhausting day and find out that your mother has made a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies and prepared a glass of warm milk just for you to dip them in? Good. Me either. But that is beside the point. I get an extra three hours of sleep, three hours that I did not realize I missed until my skin cleared up like a baby's behind. OK, maybe not like a baby's behind and more like a sandcastle, but that is also beside the point. The point is, I'm happy. I'm content with the world, content with my self, and content with my productivity/purpose. You know how rare that is these days? I haven't felt this way since I got "promoted" from Morrill. (That's right betches. Graduations for seniors.) Life is good.

I haven't had much interaction with the outside world in these past few days. I've seen Anita and Brandon for my French project, but we meet at my house and I am cocooned in my comfort zone. Pajamas and mismatched socks, anyone?

It's been Guitar Hero (sorry, resolution. You died the moment I pressed "publish post"), homework, internet, homework, shower, sleep, ever since that beautiful bell rang crystal clear across the schoolyard last friday. Mmmm. I can still hear it as if it were five days ago.

So reading Kim's blog has gotten me addicted to David Choi (You should go check him out, he's absolutely fabulous), and I spent yesterday learning "Won't Even Start". Now I've been touched by the Spirit of Music and interest has been revived in me once again. Hallelujah, I hear Salvation's Bells a-ringin'!

Today, I was returning home from dropping off my grandparents at the shuttle stop when I see this longass line of cars, red brake lights just stretching as far as the eye can see. I turn to my mom and go "What the hell?" and she doesn't even look, she's like "Tax Deadline today."



So I start peering into the car windows as we drive past, and get this, they're all white. (OK, not white...they're just not Asian. I categorize all non-Asians as white unless I'm being racist.) I turn around to ask my mom where all the Asians went, when this small little running man catches my eye. I look closer. All the crossing islands are occupied by flocks of little Asian people. Where the hell did they come from? I can see some emerging from nearby neighborhoods on foot, others I see crossing the street from the Pacific Rim plaza. I could see all the cars with people inside of them going "FML!!" while all the Asian people are crossing the street, whistling, "MLR!".

That just teaches us that, when in doubt, do it the Asian way.

My sister got waitlisted for HARVARD. WOOOOOOOT.

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