Sunday, February 27, 2011


有時候我怕我的中文會全然的忘光. 長久不用, 它遲早會退步. 我還不足額定我願不願意在大學修中文. 浪費錢. 上了十幾年的中文學校, 還好意思到美國人的學校學. 太奇怪了吧.

我無聊的時候會在白紙上隨便寫點中文. 最可笑的事, 寫一寫只發現中文字幾乎都忘了這麼寫. 在AP中文課上都使用電腦打, 筆畫都不用太多了解. 拼音一學會了, 其他都不用了.

我明年想開始上韓文課. 我太閑了嗎? 我總覺得中文應該先學好才再去學其他的語言吧? 功課還這麼重. 我再自找麻煩. (嘆氣)

我這種懶人適合當醫生嗎? 得了吧.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Oh, Daddy...

"I'm going snowboarding tomorrow! Yaaaaay"
"Good....but wear protection, ok?"
"WAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Ok, dad. I will."
"No kidding...."
"Don't worry, Dad. I'm just going to be on the dummy slope."
"Still the same...I am not worrying the dummy slope....I am worrying about are the dummy one."

Oh, Daddy. YOU JERK. D:

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Good Week

It's been a good week. Well, the last two days anyways. Yesterday, I found out that I made it into the Rogers Housing. Things were looking a bit drama, what with roommate dilemma, price, meal plan, etc. Rogers House was the most ideal circumstance. I've been praying about it almost nightly, asking God to place me somewhere I can grow, learn, thrive, etc. Not only did he bless me with Rogers House, but I also got lotter number ONE. NUMBER ONE. GOD IS GREAT. Living in Rogers House means I get the cheapest housing (around 7000 for the whole year, including Thanksgiving Break) AND a single. I forgot what privacy felt like. I'm not forced to buy a meal plan, which saves me another $1000 or so on the price of food. I hope this doesn't mean I become a hermit. My sister and I are already making plans where she'll come and stay with me (AND SLEEP ON THE FLOOR. mehehehehe) As for the drama with a roommate, the friend that I was concerned about also got into Rogers Housing, so I don't have to worry about leaving her in the lurch. Everything worked out. Again, my God is an AWESOME God. (That just got a song stuck in my head.)

Thursdays are usually a light day at the lab. I hang out with Tony and Brian in the lab, observing them if they have subjects, chatting them up if no one's scheduled. Tony's 9 o'clock didn't show, so he gave me free license to use the internet and be generally unproductive. I made a brief attempt to be good by doing the Cog Neuro reading. FUNNIEST SHIT EVER. Here's an excerpt:

"When a male octopus spots a female, his normally grayish body
suddenly becomes striped. He swims above the female and begins
caressing her with seven of his arms. If she allows this, he will
quickly reach toward her and slip his eighth arm into her breathing
tube. A series of sperm packets moves slowly through a groove in
his arm, finally to slip into the mantle cavity of the female.

When Dixie opens the door to Tad, she is stunned, because she
thought he was dead. She slams it in his face and then tries to escape.
However, when Tad says, “I love you,” she lets him in. Tad
comforts her, and they become passionate. When Brian interrupts,
Dixie tells a stunned Tad that she and Brian were married earlier
that day. With much difficulty, Dixie informs Brian that things are^
nowhere near finished between her and Tad. Then she spills the
news that Jamie is Tad’s son. “My what?” says a shocked Tad.

Think about what these words have done. I did not simply remind
you of octopuses; in the unlikely event that you ever see one develop
stripes, you now know what will happen next. You now share with millions of other
people the secrets of protagonists in a world that is the product of
some stranger’s imagination, the daytime drama All My Children.
True, my demonstrations depended on our ability to read and write,
and this makes our communication even more impressive by bridging
gaps of time, space, and acquaintanceship."

-The Language Instinct: Chapter 1, Pinker

I laughed out loud.

Just as I was about to start taking notes, Adobe crashes, and try as I might, nothing would get that PDF to open again. There goes productivity. Instead, I started doing a crossword. haha. The lab meeting let out early. Professor Yantis signed the IRB consent forms so, hopefully, in a few days I'll start running subjects on my own. Exciting. I'll update when that happens.

Anways, I return to my room in a relatively elevated mood. Open the door, expecting my roommate to still be asleep. (She has no class on Thursdays). As I walk in, in my periphery, I notice that there is not one, but TWO pale bodies intwined under the blanket. What. the. HELL. My EYES. Awkwardness ensued as I began to apologize profusely, grab my laptop and backpack, and peace out. Apparently, they were just "making out without shirts on", but I don't think I'll be able to look my roommate in the eye for a while. I found the whole situation hilarious. I'm afraid if I see her again too soon, I'll burst into hysterical laughter, ruining our friendship forever. We're surprisingly chill about it though. Lesson learned: Always knock. Even if you're letting yourself into your own room.

Lab later today. We're doing electrolysis. Hope it turns out well. I hope it's going to be a tedious enterprise, checking the solution every thirty seconds for thirty minutes. I can't wait.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Coffee at Dinner

Coffee is now officially my arch-enemy. It's 1:41 in the morning and I have to get up at 9:30 to go teach an SAT class. Fortunately, Matt will buy me a Starbucks Frapp (those little bottle things) and you know what they say, the best way to treat a hangover is to take another shot.

I've been super busy lately. The coffee has been totally necessary. My schedule everyday runs from 9 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon. On Thursdays, it goes until 5:20. Every other Wednesday, I have clinic from 5 until 10:00 at night. I might start tagging along on lacrosse practices on Tuesday from 5 to 7. I don't know when worship practice is going to be. Trying to hit the gym every night for at least an hour. I don't know what I'm trying to prove. Guess I'm just trying to keep busy.

I'm entertaining the thought of being a Neuroscience/East Asian Studies double major. Kim tells me that any major with the word "Studies" in it is total shit. (Sorry, Film Studies majors.) Still, Asia is something that I think I'm interested in, and this will be all for me. Plus, the classes will satisfy my distribution/writing intensive credit requirements.

I'm not quite sure my Research Mentor Professor likes me. haha. He totally forgot my name at the first meeting. I guess I'm just furniture in the lab until I prove myself. Challenge accepted! Not quite sure research is what I have in mind for the future, but it's always great to experience something new and learn along the way. I get to learn how to use a fMRI and analyze data. How exciting. I'm only being sarcastic about the second part. SUPER MEGA MAGNET MACHINE? YES, PLEASE!

Classes haven't really kicked up yet. Hopefully I'll do well on Intro Chem II this semester . Professor Karlin is the cutest thing. First day of class, he almost fell off the stage. Brilliant. hahahahaha. Chem lab TA isn't Andrew...but hopefully, he'll do. Jenna got off the waitlist (from number 27) and is still my partner. The Dynamic Duo of Destruction survives! Intro Physics II looks a lot more math/calc related this semester. I have an awesome TA who has green hair and explains everything thoroughly/beautifully. This bodes well for me. All I need now is a Physics Lab TA who isn't incompetent. Cog Neuro started off super boring. I spent the entire first lecture looking for a cheap place to buy the class textbook and the entire second lecture Sporcling. Who knew the horned melon was a fruit? I read the suggested reading for the next lecture today and the book is really interesting though. Hopefully the tests will be less lecture and more text oriented.

At the last moment, I enrolled in 19th Century British Novels. I was looking over my 4 year college plan and I realized that if I wanted to double major in East Asian Studies, I had to get my Lit classes out of the way now. We're currently reading P&P. LOVE. The professor is really interesting, even though she reads from the slide for the entire class. I'm seeing Darcy/Bingley in a whole new light. Gentry and Nobility....there's a difference? After the first TA section, I happened to be one of the last people to come out of the room and I reminded the TA to turn off the lights. We got to talking, and he said, "I think you had a class with my roommate last semester. Jacob?" Say whaaaaat? Jacob, AKA, MR. CHILTON was my Expos Prof-In-Training last semester. They have matching beards! HA! Anyways, this TA is impressively smart, reasonably funny, and gives off the air of a stoned genius. I like him. haha

I'm crossing my fingers that I haven't bitten off more than I can chew for this semester. I'm glad church starts this week because I really need me some JESUS. haha Still stressing out about rooming/housing next year. And $$ is always on my mind. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Light. With Jesus by my side, there is nothing I shall fear.