Monday, April 27, 2009

It's Over! (:E

So I now reserve the right to make this face ---> [:E (That's right, crowned. >:])

My family is never going to let me live this down. D:

But I'm glad you guys talked me into going. What girl in her right mind doesn't want an excuse to feel pretty for a day? (And only a day. Any more than a day, and I think I would have gone insane, or broke my ankle, or both.) Thanks to all the girls who made me pretty. I know it was a colossal task. (; Hopefully, the pictures are enough to satisfy everyone for the rest of my life.

Prom was fun. I liked watching everyone go crazy on the dance floor. Inhibition. Borderline sodomy. Awesomeness. I feel like I got to know a lot of people better because we bonded over the craziness of the night. It's like getting drunk with friends. The more embarrassing things you do, the closer you feel after you've done it. It's the naughty bond.

Apparently, I am attracted to older boys that I look up to. It's scary how true that is. I guess my infatuation for Robert Downey Jr. is nothing more than physical attraction. :/ No Iron babies for Abby. -sigh- Well, I guess I can always move to Britain and start my life long mission of finding hot, available, intelligent, British-accented, Taiwanese doctors. (I thought I'd start small.)

ADVENT in a few months. I'm really excited about it. At the same time, I guess I'm a little scared that it won't be the same as it was last year. Or, that over this past year of missing it, I've somehow built up my expectations and set myself up for disappointment. Then I remind myself that God's work can never be a disappointment. I'm sure that all things will work out in the end. (:

Recently, I've been feeling a bit emo. D: I'm just tired from junior year. And what an exhausting year it's been. Two more weeks until I'm done with AP testing, and done with school forever. I'm trying to look on the bright side. Always staying one step of the raincloud behind me, less than two months before the summer sunshine disappates that nightmare. Yee!

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