Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Blogging is Evil

It's almost 10, an hour past my bedtime. I've actually stayed up doing homework this time. Socratic Seminar tomorrow, I generally suck at them. I just don't have the balls to butt into someone else's BS. It's not like you can say "Excuse me, I'd like to get my points now. Please shut up." It's more like... "Umm...And I'm going to talk NOW!...fuck." I just can't time myself so that I make it into those awkward silences before someone else does. Asian politeness, it's a curse.

So here I am, not preparing for my seminar, done with my Study Guide, not studying AP Calculus (which I do not understand at all), and writing a blog. Why? Because it's too late to start another episode of House, and I promised myself that I would watch no more than two on a schoolnight. Damn me. Chances are, once I'm done with this blog, I'm going to lay in bed, snuggle under my very warm blankets, and break into Next.

What have I done all day? I did the Yahoo crossword, made a couple thousand neopoints, watched two episodes of House (Big Love is fired now. I liked him. ): ), read some fanfiction, and...did absolutely nothing productive. And I will now proceed to make it worse by blogging.

Blogging is evil.

What do I possibly have to blog about. The only drama in my life is what I see on the telly. (And trust me, that's a LOT of drama.) But I don't miss drama. (I know a lot of you find this hard to believe.) I don't wish there was drama in my life. My vision of happiness is curling up in a lovely bay window with the blankets tucked under my chin, a whole stash of DVDs to choose from, and a warm mug of something chocolately keeping my hands toasty. Sounds heavenly.

I can't begin to count how many times someone has asked me what I want to be when I grow up. I always kid and say "Wealthy." While that's partly true (who doesn't want to be wealthy?), I also want to be happy. You don't need to be wealthy to have happiness. You need time. If being wealthy means I have to wake up at 6 in the morning, stay up until 3 in the morning, toss and turn restlessly in a parody of sleep because I know that in only three hours I have to be back doing something I absolutely hate - fuck it - that's not worth it. I want a family environment. I want what my parents have, except with more TV and less news. Time is way more precious to me than money.

I think I've begun to value time much more as a Junior. 5 AP classes, man. Intense. I haven't really started panicking until now. I enter my AP Chem class and realize I have no idea what's going on. And in the midst of my "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?" Jenny asks me an AP Calc problem and I have to start worrying about "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?". Jesus. It's bad for me. One day, I will master integrals and derivatives. However, chances are better that I will forget about "the little worm thingy" before I ever have to use it in real life. Engineer? Forget about it. I hate math. Doctor? More likely. I love House. Lawyer? I don't know. Is there a good lawyer show on TV that I have yet to watch? (Will and Grace doesn't count. He went pro bono. Psh.)

"Sonuvacocklovin'whore." Robert Downey Jr's favorite expletive.

Love it.
Cherish it.
Use it.

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