Friday, May 27, 2011

Taiwan 2011: Airport (1)

Currently chilling at the SFO airport. It still hasn't sunk in that I am leaving for Taiwan tonight. Just a few days ago, I was flying into CA from Baltimore. I'm being upgraded gradually through various levels of Heaven. Unfortunately, I totally forgot to get assigned seating, so I have been sentenced to a 13 hour flight in seat 55H. I have a sneaking suspicion that it is a middle seat. The people on either side of me better be KAYUTE (and think that drool on their shoulder is SEXY).

Most people back home don't really know why I'm going to Taiwan this time around, or that I'm going to Taiwan at all. I know I left you guys under the general impression that I was sticking around to take summer classes at a local CC. So here's a quick update: I'm going to be volunteering at Menonnite Christian Hospital in Hualien, Taiwan for a month before joining ADVENT and teaching English/spreading the Gospel for another three weeks. This will probably be one of the most God-centered summers of my life. Scratch that. This is probably the most God-centered I've been ever. haha. To be honest, I didn't really come to terms with my own religion until I entered college and found myself in a desert place. I really pray that this summer will be one of spiritual growth and self-discovery.

I chose to attend JHU because I had my heart set on being a pre-med. Hopefully, the next month of total immersion in hospital culture will help me to gain perspective and confirm my interest in the field of medicine. I purposely chose to volunteer at a Christian hospital so I can become acquainted with different doctors that have reconciled their faith and their life-long dedication to science.

Anyways, we've started boarding so I'll have to cut his blog short. I'll try to update regularly. :)

1 comment:

  1. Awww have fun Abby!

    -GLORIA :D
