Monday, September 3, 2012

So It Begins

I have grown resigned to the fact that school starts tomorrow. Perhaps it's for the better, as I have discovered that I don't deal very well with free time. Finished a full-length test then proceeded to reward myself with two hours of Tetris and Minesweeper. I would have watched some White Collar except my computer won't let me connect to Hopkins and JHUGuestnet won't let me use pirated sites. #firstworldproblems

I don't feel like someone who's about to take the MCAT in less than a week. But then again, what is that supposed to feel like anyways? Should I be breaking into a cold sweat? Stress eating? Unable to sustain normal bowel function? This ain't Orgo! I'm just looking forward to getting it over and done with so I can move on with my life....and by that I mean start studying for my normal classes. My life is rife with misery.

In addition to leveling up in Tetris (which is getting damn hard,  STOP IT WITH THE T-SPINS.), I also sent about 600 texts today. Apparently, the key to a successful lockdown is separating me from my phone. Best get the surgical tools ready.

I love texting. You know those people who say technology is ruining personal interactions? That's bullshit. Technology just enables us to keep better touch with the people we WANT to socialize with. Bridging state lines at the speed of light, yo. I am Scrambling with friends in Canada. How's that for international relations? Except he's kicking my ass so...WWIII, bring it on. Which leads me to medical students...why are you so good at Scramble With Friends? Shouldn't you be doing something medical instead of finding the words "toluene" and "serine" in every other round? This is getting pretty ridiculous.

 I'm sad to see summer go.Debating whether I should watch some Lion King right now instead of going to sleep so I can have a good cry and get it all out. "NO. WHY DIDN'T YOU MU FASAAAA?"

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