Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Busy...Busy...Dreadfully Busy

You've no idea what I have to do...

It's been a while since I blogged last.

"April 30 to be exact." -Connie Choi

It's funny how I always blog when I'm incredibly busy. During the last couple weeks, before the teachers decided to spring Final Projects on us, I could spend entire afternoons playing Guitar Hero. But that's entirely it. There were better things I had time to do than blog. Jesus, I mean, blogging takes brain power. Now that there are things that I should be doing, but I'd rather not be doing, NOW is the perfect time to blog.

The SEVENTIES group is going to pwn. Well actually, I don't think our video is that great because our script is God-awful. (Good God, I wonder who wrote that shit. -coughcough-) but the acting is hilarious and morale is high. We already have our menu planned out for the rest of the week. Gilbert's La Vic's then Khoi's Jade Garden. If we have extra time, we could always go to Chipotle again. I'm thankful that I got such a great Decades group. We clash so well. We're just different enough to create a harmony that works. Thank God.

Then, the Spring Project is going to bite me in the ass. I haven't even really started on it yet. We've delegated all the work already...but everyone has yet to actually put a pen to paper. I mean, it's easy to say "Write a script by Friday", but when it comes down to the wee hours of Friday morning, when you wake up in a cold sweat realizing what it is exactly you've forgotten to do, one's philosophy quickly becomes FML. But, there's hope. English is not until 6 period. If I could write an entire scene for Decades in one period, I can definitely write an entire script for English in 5. Keep my fingers crossed, hope to die, pray to Jesus. Amen.

I'm pretty sick of school. And pretty is putting it nicely. I've worked my ass off all year, and I think it's due time for a nice, drawn out break. Then I remember all the summer homework I have yet to do, all the college apps waiting to be filled out, guh. I don't even want to talk about this any--.

Moving on.

AP testing is over. Thank Jesus. The last time I blogged, I was still pretending to cram for them. Here are my projected scores based on the level of FML I was feeling after coming out of the test.

APChinese: 5
APEng: 4
APCalc: 4

Chinese got pretty bad near the end. In a hilarious way. (Doesn't it always?) I think I ended up recording something along the lines of "Calligraphy is important to Chinese culture because it preserves the art of traditional writing. Also, my grandma does it....(twenty second pause)...and it's hanging in my living room. (pause) It's pretty. (pause) I hope one day she teaches me how to write calligraphy... (three seconds of cracking up) because it is important for us to preserve Chinese culture by passing it down to future generations. (Cut-off mid-cackle.)"

I'm not even joking. The people around me were laughing. Well, at least I got off better than my friend.

"The most important part of calligraphy is the paper. And the pen." -Carolin

hehehe. Oh, the BS continues.

Yesterday, I was driving to school when I heard this mysterious "whump. whump." sound. I was like "WTF is that?". When I pulled up to the red light, I made eye contact with the driver behind me via rear view mirror and he made motioning movements toward the side of my car. By this time, I figured something was stuck in my wheel, so I pull over to the side of the road and make my Dad get out and check it out. He goes over to the other side, squats next to the wheel, but sees nothing. Then he looks up. Pauses. Grimly opens my door. And hands me a pair of pants.

Now, I know you're wondering. "What the hell? Where the heck did that come from?" But get this, my car is usually parked next to the clothing line. I must have snagged the pants in my car door when I pulled out. I'm just glad it wasn't a bra or something. Actually, no. That would have been hilarious. hee. The wind resistance would have created a nice dragchute effect. Hee.

So yeah, I should be doing my petit composition right now. But I think I'm going to play a little Guitar Hero III. Just for old times sake.


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