I had a 3/4 day today because of the return of my chronic headaches. I can't decide what's causing them. Usually, it's because I haven't had enough sleep or because I'm in inconstant temperatures. This time, I'm convinced it's because of my pillow. Not that it's an uncomfortable pillow. Actually, most nights, I'm so tired, I'm out the moment my head hits the pillow and my finger hits the air conditioning button...so I'm really not sure. hahah. All I know is, I wake up with that funny feeling in my shoulders and the back of my head that are early signs that the rest of the day is going to suck. It doesn't help that I'm really sore from the intense Badminton Session from Hell. I refuse to believe that my headaches are the result of me not drying my hair after I shower. REFUSE. D:
Such a stubborn ass I am.
Pastor Chao hooked me up with her friend who used to be a nurse but now works in the Home Care department (you know, those nice people that put up with those cranky old people in their houses). She hands me over to Peggie the Ex-nurse, who takes my temperature before I even have time to say "How do you do?". She then begins to cut open little baggies of pills, extracting and separating the small white ones. "These are painkillers. Don't take them less than four hours apart." She turns back to her work, and I swear there was a tacit "That is all. You are dismissed." hanging in the air. I had actually met her the day before, when Pastor Chao, Melody, and I paid her family a visit. Apparently, her daughter, Amber, was the "size of an elephant". I was like "O__O WHAT?" Amber turns out to be the cutest little girl who just happens to be a little chubby. She had little eyes, curly hair, and the cutest little voice. I just wanted to pinch her cheeks and coo "WOOGIEWOOGIEWOOGIE." Peggie the Ex-nurse and her husband ended up treating us to dinner because it was Pastor Chao's birthday (which she NEGLECTED to mention, that BOOB.) There was another family present, bringing the total number of children (excluding me) to six. Holy crap. Again, I failed to take pictures. But the fresh Pineapple/Apple and Watermelon juice was delicious. Mmm. My personal favorite was the baked fish, caked in salt. This restaurant was some sort of ranch/farm. Here are a few pictures of the wildlife I sacrificed my arms and legs for (Literally. Those mosquitoes are VICIOUS):
I had a slight headache yesterday before dinner too, but Peggie the Ex-nurse had me covered. haha. Anyways, Pastor Chao said she'll ask one of her coworkers to Gua-Sha me. It's this Chinese treatment where you take a whale bone (or just plastic if said whalebone is unavailable), dip in menthol, and scrape the shit out of the victim's back. It's supposed to release toxins in the bloodstream and make you feel a lot better. We'll see how that turns out. If it's traumatic, I'll take pictures and share it with y'all.
Right now, I'm sitting with May (the little daughter of Dr. Liu) watching "Let's Talk English". Funniest show EVER. Corny and educational, just the way I like it. May always looks up quizzically when I laugh hysterically at their forced smiles. Now that I've pointed it out, she says she can't stop seeing it and can no longer take the show seriously. I'm a bad influence. ):
I've been falling more and more behind on my devos. My excuse is that I can't find the time to...but here I am spending 10 minutes blogging. I think I'm going to start bringing my Bible to church and doing Devos during my lunch (tw0) hours.
OH. Which reminds me, Pastor Chao takes us out to get shaved ice today (which I fought and won the right to pay for. YES.) and she sees one of the patients from the Acute Psych Ward. She's like "When did you get out?" And I see, for the first time in my life, real shifty eyes. I'm like "OH SNAP, he's ESCAPED. What do we doooo??" But as the pastor later explains, people in the acute ward can take days "off" because they're not forced to stay in the hospital. They have sudden, violent episodes but can function normally for the majority of the time. Anyways, I thought it was really awesome how she discreetly talked to him, but completely played it cool when his friends came. Just in case they don't know where he's been for the last three months.
Going somewhere new tomorrow. It's an hour drive away. Absolutely no idea what's happening, I was just told where to report at what time. Still adjusting at the hospital. I feel like some of the nurses give me the cold shoulder because I'm a volunteer and they feel like I get underfoot, but Mei Jiao and Xiu Zhen are super nice to me. It is now my mission in life to win them over. >:[
Gotta go to sleep, or I'm going to have a headache tomorrow. ): I still have four little white pills of happiness in my bag. Wooh.
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