The Wizarding World has been overrun. The Ministry has fallen. Voldemort has won. The great Harry Potter is reduced to a puddle of chunky red liquid. Death Eaters are out patrolling the streets while witches and wizard make a desperate exodus from London.
Enter the near future. Every use of magic is tracked meticulously by the Dark Lord's Regime. Those of the Order who have survived are forced to live as Muggles. Any use of magic, however unintentional, can put their lives at risk.
But Harry Potter is not dead. Though his physical body has been transfigured and left in the basement of Grimmauld Place, his spirit/mind is trapped in an alternate universe. He lives happily in a world where he, Remus, and Sirius are free to live together. There are no Death Eaters, no mortal danger, and most importantly, no Voldemort. However, Harry doesn't know that "Remus" and "Sirius" are really spies placed into his fantasy to keep tabs on him and make sure that the real Harry never wakes up.
Harry is sitting in his room. He is playing with little red toy pieces. The toy pieces resemble the little pieces of Harry left in Grimmauld Place. However, intermingled amongst the red pieces are several green pieces and one black piece. A dramatic flashback occurs. Harry realizes that the green pieces are Snape and the red piece is himself. The only reason Snape would be dead is if the Wizarding World has fallen and his role as a double agent have been discovered. In a flash, Harry realizes the truth. While deciding on a course of action, Remus begins to call him, saying that Sirius is on the phone. Harry replies, "In a minute!" Remus immediately realizes something is wrong and sends Sirius to get another Death Eater. Meanwhile, Harry has placed all the red pieces and the black piece in a graduated cylinder and is pipetting a strange red liquid into the mix.
Sirius encounters a Death Eater on the street and tells her what he suspects is happening. (She looks like Pastor Doris from ROLCC.) She is unconcerned, saying the spells on the illusion are too strong, but follows him back anyways. When they arrive, they call Harry down for dinner, and tell him to greet their guests. Unbeknownst to them, Harry has already broken the illusion. Sirius leaving to bring in another Death Eater had temporarily weakened the spells around the dream. When Harry comes down the stairs, he is in possession of his real body. The green pieces are jingling in his pocket.
Harry sits down to dinner with Remus, Sirius, Pastor Doris, and Snape. They have brought in Snape as a test. Like Harry, Snape's real body has been transfigured and his mind has been hidden away. Based on the nature of his illusion, where the World of Voldemort and Hogswarts seems to never have existed, Harry pretends to not know Snape at all. The Death Eaters are appeased, thinking their spell has held. However, at the table, Harry begins to challenge the Death Eaters. Making small hints that leave them feeling uneasy. Harry takes out the green pieces and places them in a bowl. He then tells Snape to wipe his mouth. He grabs Snape's used napkin and throws it in the bowl. Adding in green liquid, and stirring, he suddenly looks at Snape expectantly.
Though Snape looks different (his hair has been cut), he blinks once, and in a flash pulls out his wand, utters an incantation, and Doris's head falls off. Her severed neck stump gushes blood as she falls the the floor. Another whispered incantation and both Remus and Sirius's heads follow. Harry and Snape share a look before they both leap into action. Harry suggests apparating but Snape, in his usual disparaging way, tells Harry about the threats of using magic. Instead, Snape tells Harry about the tunnel portkeys that connect all the houses of those in the Order. Since portkeys are passive uses of magic, the Dark Lord's Regime can't track them down.
Harry and Snape use the tunnels, being careful to read the names so as not to enter the basement of anyone who has since betrayed the Order unawares. The last portal takes them directly to Dumbledore's basement. Harry and Snape peer owlishly into the darkness when all of a sudden, a bright light comes on. Dumbledore is there, stunned to see his two agents alive. They in turn are surprised that Dumbledore is alive.
They reveal what has happened. As it turns out, the black piece was the piece of Voldemort that was transferred when he tried to kill Harry the first time. Harry is a bit disappointed that he didn't take the chance to remove that piece of Evil inside of him, but realizes that it would ultimately come in handy during his last showdown with Voldemort.
Then I woke up.
your dreams are....very detailed.