Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dreamt I was a Fugitive

My alarm didn't go off today, but luckily this crazy dream woke me up.

First, I was leaving somewhere with Amy. For some reason, our previous "home" had kicked us out. I was furious. We go to get a dou hua for comfort. There were two stores right next to each other, one sold savory tofu and the other sold sweet tofu. Dozens of flavors. mmm

Anyways, at this point my dream does a skip, and I end up in the water. I know that I am trying to escape, and I'm wearing snorkeling gear. I see guards in the distance, some with handcuffs, some with guns, and I remember that they are allowed to fire at me in the water. Still, I try to swim away slowly, heading towards an island I see in the distance. I manage to escape the guards with handcuffs, but suddenly, directly in front of me, I see a guard leveling a gun at me. While I am swimming forwards, he is slowly stepping backwards. Luckily, we are close enough to the island that his backward steps take him to the shore. He pauses and looks back. The guards round me and the other fugitives up and decide to take a break on the island.

Suddenly, Chumin is next to me and we both want to escape. There is a band playing on the island and I offer them $900 to distract the guards and convince them it is part of their "act". During the distraction, Chumin and I would both hide ourselves away in the set (drums, cabinets, etc.) I remember hissing at her that she had to decide where she was going to hide before the distraction because we couldn't speak once it started. Once the distraction starts, we both run. I find a staircase and run up it. In the room at the top is the band's manager, waiting with the helicopter that brought them to the island, the Iced Crusader. I offer him $30k for the helicopter, jump in, and take off.

As I am flying away, I remember thinking, "Ha. Suckers" because nobody is getting any money from me. heh. After flying some distance, I realize that I am running out of gas. I start looking for somewhere to either land or refuel. I see a small wooden house in a deserted area, so I crash my helicopter into it to stage my death. Then, I run into the woods, where I find a huge, abandoned mansion. Upon entering, I get goosebumps because I immediately know that the place is haunted. Still, I think "Screw it. I'd rather be scared than dead." The mansion is haunted by two women. I start talking to them because I know they're there. Slowly, they begin to reveal themselves. After several days, we open up and share our life stories. They confess that they know of my past as a thief because they saw me crash the plane.

They agree to let me stay, even offering to cook because they haven't had the chance to in years. I offer to go out to buy groceries, but they have a huge storage full of supplies, including cookies and snacks. We hatch a plan, in case the authorities catch up to me. They would scare them out of the house with their antics while I hid in the attic.

So yeah, epic dream. haha. Got to go to do QTs now.

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