It faintly rings a bell. I seem to recall better days when I actually had the time to sit around doing nothing, read fanfiction/porn, watch movies simply because I wanted to. But these sweet memories have already almost faded into nonexistence, replaced instead by bitter, painful recollections of toiling over AP homework, studying for SAT, and wondering where the hell I am heading in life at what feels like 5 miles an hour.
If I had leisure time, maybe I'd dedicate a little of it to working out.... HA! Sorry, yeah, thought it would be a good time for a little joke.
But seriously, there are so many things that I want to experience that, lately, I seem to never have time for. I'm down with learning at school, but when are we supposed to put these desultory numbers and concepts into action if not real life? The last time I picked up a book that did not have people fornicating in it was...hell, a long time ago. Even Scarlet Letter had some action. I want to go back to the classics. I started Obama's book, made it a bathroom book for while, wrote a three page essay on it, and now it sits, tragically collecting dust on my bookshelf. Some may say my bookshelf is a graveyard for discarded books, but I prefer to see it as a retirement home. The books are in good care, I visit them from time to time, an
Well, as much as I would like to complain more about my lack of free time, the fact that I am blogging about absolutely nothing pretty much defeats my point. Besides, I still have time for TV. I'll always have time for TV.

Yeah, so I'm pretty amused about this whole blogspot/blogger thing because...well, you can put pictures on it! ---> See?
Isnt' that flippin' awesome?
So my angst stays livejournal because I always follow the porn. (Immigrants followed the money, look where it brought them. porn, so I guess that had the right idea.) I guess this just better illustrates by lack of commitment to anything. Except a bloody slab of steak. Ain't nothing that could ever tear us two apart. Mm-mm.
Nobody, nobody but yoooou.
Yeah. It's late. I'm off to sleep. Let's just's not sheep I'm counting.
It's COWS. Jesus, people. What the heck were you thinking?
join the club bz :)