I might not actually be able to do my 9 hours a week RA schedule this semester, which would totally bum me out and destroy my college plans. With my current load, I'll be taking 19.5 credits, three of which are research credits. That's only 5 classes though -- Orgo, Orgo Lab, Korean I, Rev. Ref. and Inequality of China, and Nervous System I. I'm not sure if this is a crazy schedule...will find out today. Still, I want to avoid dropping any research credits because I want to finish up that requirement this year. That would free up my next two years for clinical research, which I am very interested in looking into. If I drop a class, I'd probably drop China, but that would force me to take over two East Asian studies classes each semester in my Senior year. Suck suck suck. I actually stayed up for an additional hour last night thinking about these things.
I spent my down time at research yesterday emailing the Dean of Academic Advising and my department head/advisor about my conundrum. To overload on credits, I need approval from the Dean of Academic Advising. He told me to get a letter of "support" from my department head/advisor. She hasn't responded yet. :\ Why must they make my life difficult? Let me slowly kill myself in peace.
Anyways, on a more optimistic note, I'm getting along great with the new lab manager! She's from Australia and we had a great time yesterday talking about cultural differences. They don't have pumpkin pie...or THANKSGIVING. (gasp) Even though it's totally a "duh" realization, it's still mindblowing that they have no pilgrims or turkey in November. No Sasquatch...Satchmo...uh...Shaniqua?...whatever that Native American corn master's name was. Also, their Christmas takes place in their Summer. Their Santa dashes through the bush! D: I think she's also open to getting me a lot more involved in the lab this year. Score!
Nervous System, China, and Orgo Lab are the only classes I have yet to sit in on. I'm excited and terrified all at once. ): Still praying that everything works out. I keep on reflecting on PR's message from last week, about how we weren't made to always push ourselves to the limit. But how do I avoid doing that when I don't know what my limits are? Also, in my QTs on Monday, I came across this verse:
"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness"
-- 2 Corinthians 12:9
Now I just have to learn how to be content in my own weakness.