I won't deny that moving in and going to orientation events in the past few days has been somewhat difficult. There was an epically tearful farewell between my parents and me. My sister just stood on the side and laughed...while taking pictures. I actually cried myself to sleep the first night in the dorms even though I knew I would see my parents the next day. Luckily, my roommate was out partying. The whole day spent at Inner Harbor was one of secretly tearing up and trying to inconspicuously hide the evidence before my family turned around. Who wouldathunk I was so sensitive?
I thought I would be the life of the party here at college. In fact, I am a nun. During orientation week, frats and sororities throw parties everyday to attract freshmen pledges. I turned down four invitations to go. My roommate must think I'm such a Debbie Downer. The truth is, I can still hear my Daddy's last words to me. "Abby, find a good church and grow in Christ." (Roughly translated) Lately, I've been thinking a lot about finding a strong fellowship that I can commit to and grow in for the next four years. Now that I've been placed so far from home, what better time is there to rely on God for support, comfort, and teachings? Either that or I really am turning into an old hag. Sleeping at 11 PM during the summer? FOR SHAME.
I still have attacks of nostalgia every once in a while. Sometimes I turn over in the bed with sheets that are too rough to be mine to look at the wall, barren of Lord of the Rings posters, and I feel inexplicably sad. When I walk around campus and I realize that the brick backdrop that had once charmed me would become my "home" for the next four years, I literally feel my heart wrench. I know I sound totally melodramatic and emo right now so I really got to change the mood of this. (I'm going to make myself cry.) When I think of all the free samples at Costco that I'm missing out on, I AM MUCH AGGRIEVED. When I think about how there is no authentic pho or Mexican food around here, I FEEL DOWNRIGHT SUICIDAL. Hopefully, one day I can find all the good fooding places around here and learn to love Baltimore.
The people here are so nice. It's to be expected amongst the freshmen because we are all fresh-eyed, equally isolated, and eager to start new relationships and social networks. Surprisingly, the upperclassmen, the professors, and even complete strangers are quick to give you a polite nod or even a friendly "hey there". Atmosphere-wise, I love this place. I went to church today with Priscilla and her Peabody friend, Coco. I walked to a complete stranger's house to carpool over to Peabody and later to a church 30-minutes away. Then later I find out that the stranger isn't even Christian! He just takes his girlfriend to church every Sunday. Even at church, complete strangers introduced themselves to us, friended us on Facebook, and offered to take us out and show us around. I really feel that God is working in my life, placing people in my path to support me in preparation for the future where one day I can help others.
On a side-note, today I tried to put my earrings back in and discovered that the back had semi-closed up. After much poking, prodding, and praying, I finally got the needle through. Now my ears hurt. I hope they don't get infected.
I finally had to whip out my (only set of) semi-formal attire. When I go back home for Christmas Vacation, I really have to go shopping for some business-casual shoes and clothes. I wore Nikes and jeans with my Banana top. For shame. hahaha. At the convocation, we got a glimpse of our future professors, as well as the Deans and Associate Deans of each school. They seem like such down-to-Earth and downright friendly people. I can't wait for school to start so I can start getting to know my professors. I really hope to find mentors and sources of inspiration here at Hopkins.
Still missing my family like crazy, but I know that after tomorrow, everything will be all right. Praise Jesus. :D
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