Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Renn Faire

I guess now that there's only two weeks left before the Renaissance Faire, it is officially time to start freaking out. We've done so much planning and theorizing that we're completely behind. Now it's time to whip everybody in shape, lasso them into the weekly meetings, and get things done! I'm a little apprehensive as to how in the world Steven is going to finish the Haunted House in a week, choreograph and learn the Robin Hood dance and fight scene, and build a Drench the Wench mechanism. I know I should have more faith in him but faith is definitely not my strong suit. Whew, time for some major prayer.

I've stayed up until now just compiling lists of each booth and what I need the leaders to do before this week ends. I'm hoping that more delegation will bring this Renn Faire closer into the realm of reality and actuality.

So much more needs to be done!

Prizes need to be purchased, voodoo dolls need to be ordered, rings, flowers, KIDDIE POOLS. GUH. I'm not exactly stressed yet, but I'm feeling pressed for time. Every moment of inaction eats at me. Is that stress? I've learned to ignore it and just feed the compulsion. Work work work. Keeps the hands busy and the mind occupied.

I'm a little disappointed in the AP Lit class. I thought everyone would be excited and eager to pitch in...but then again, I now realize that was grossly optimistic of me. People barely turn up to meetings and there's only a handful of students we can rely on. Still, I remain hopeful that things will start looking up as we kick into high gear. Maybe Ms. Daniell will kick people into shape. haha. C'mon Baird and Bebe's class, get your act together! Actually, c'mon Baird and Bebe, WHERE YOU AT?

Tomorrow, I got to go talk to Melvin about the final timeline of the RennFaire and about borrowing costumes from the Drama department. Then there's a RF meeting during lunch. I hope people show up! (crosses fingers) I really can't wait to see this thing go down.

Steven, I believe in you! (though it kills me to.)

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