I got so paranoid at the beach on Senior Cut Day. Am I or am I not? I remember being on my period last when Mr. Elwell was lecturing on the Menstruation Cycle. Was that two or three weeks ago? I took a two minute hike just to double check. ): Thank Jesus, it didn't come until Saturday Morning...which makes this blog one day late. heh.
I spent prom night catching up with my ADVENT friends Vicky and Angie who both happened to come back from college. Angie is working in Northern Berkeley over the summer on an architecture program with her professor while Vicky still has some finals left. (Boo, quarter system!) Still, we talked about life in general, AKA BOYS BOYS BOYS. Sadly, two years after that ADVENT summer, and I'm the only one who hasn't grown any. Dang it. When will my time come?!? We revisited childhood memories by commandeering the swing set from these two little girls at the local park. I think we may have frightened them with our maniacal laughter and [my] occasional obscenities. Good times. Then we got home, finished the Costco bag of Kettlecorn and watched The Princess and the Frog. A pretty good, if frightening, movie. Hellooooo, Prince Naveen.
(sigh) I really need to get myself a guy. I'm swooning after DISNEY cartoon characters. It's all David Kawena's fault. That horny bastard.
I'm currently rehabilitating from my addiction to Plants v. Zombies. I beat the game in two days and am currently working my way through the mini-games. I think I'm starting to tire of it though...which will give me more time for ROMANCE NOVELS! Yeeee, they finally came in at the library. One Suzanne Enoch and one Julia Quinn. I couldn't be happier if it was Kresley Cole. (Well, ok, maybe I would. Imma steal that book from Kim. >:] )
Some people say it is better to have love and lost than to have never loved at all. Personally, I'd rather have loved period. I NEED ME SOME LOVIN'. Yes, that was the sound of pure, unashamed desperation. Maybe a smidgen of self-pity and patheticness. Just a little.
I need to seriously start dieting. I've been inhaling kettlecorn like a Asian-mother-wielded-vacuum cleaner. Utter lack of self-control. Oh, the depravity! When my cousin got himself a girlfriend, my grandparents' first observation was "She's too fat." OMG. She was a perfectly respectable size. I was like "GRANDPA, if she's too fat for Ping, NO ONE is going to want me!" And my grandfather, bless his heart, said "Oh...well. Hmmm."
If I don't start burning fat like a cocaine-snorting B-List celebrity, I'm never going to be able to compensate for my naturally bitter disposition and contrary personality. All the romance novel heroines, although sassy, were HOT. OH NOES. I've been focusing too long on the wrong traits! I need to regroup. Waiting for liposuction is no longer a viable option. By the time I've saved up enough, I'm going to be either 1.) too wrinkly; 2.) barren; or 3.) married to Coach Ken Tanaka. NOOOOOOOO. Unacceptable!
Operation Aneroxia shall commence! I will drink milk to counteract the loss of calcium in my bones. Damn...but that milk would go down real good with some cookies....and brownies....and ice cream. GUH. NO. Wooh, slippery slope there.
All right. I gotta stop this thing I have for unavailable men. Sorry, RDJ. I'm putting you into the closet (until tonight).
I'd rather my love life be dysfunctional than NONEXISTENT. D: