Saturday, March 20, 2010

Davis and Fuji's!

On Friday, my Daddy took the Sienna in for maintenance. They found a problem with the car door that they said they'd have to fix over the weekend. Then, after my Daddy took the shuttle home, my mom informed him that the Lexus was leaking oil! So, that afternoon, my mom came to pick me up in this black car that I absolutely did not recognize, reigniting my childhood dream that my parents are actually super-rich international spies that are just staying underground as middle-class citizens until the next global crisis. My dreams were crushed once again when my hand actually touched the car handle of that janky Subaru. That car felt like it was made out of plastic. (shudder) I listened to my Mom complain of the crappy quality of the car in silence until the gears gave out on the highway and I felt obligated to join in. Needless to say, we returned that thing as soon as possible and stopped for some Chipotle in the Loaner Lexus.

We bring the car home and my Dad goes..."Hmm. We should run up the mileage of this Lexus. Want to go somewhere on the weekend?"

Umm. duh.

So, this morning, we leave the house at 8AM, ladened with all kinds of snacks, for Monterey Bay. My family always does this thing where we drive all the way up to Monterey Bay Wharf, take a family picture, and come back. (Lame, I know.) When we were about to leave the wharf, my Dad suddenly decides that we should go up to Davis and finally eat at Fuji's. Woot! Of course, I start calling everybody up, starting with Vicky to ask for directions and ending with Amy to gloat. hee.

As it turns out, my piano teacher's daughter needed a ride home that day from Davis. Coincidence? The holiest kind. haha. So we pick up Katherine and head over to Fuji's. Oh My God. Heaven. Fun for the whole family. Quality sushi. Endless portions. The only thing missing was heapings of Green Tea Ice Cream. Still, pretty damn near perfect. We got Spider hand rolls, Salmon Skin Hand Rolls, Dragon Rolls, Davis Rolls, SASHIMI PLATTERS. These are the perfect ingredients for a FOOD COMA. Guh. Oral Orgasm to the max. Vicky was supposed to meet up with us, except she accidentally locked her keys in the car. Too bad my parent's AAA insurance expired last month. :\

Anyways, on the way home, Katherine is just passed out, and my Dad jokingly suggests climbing Mission Peak. I call him on his bluff, and somehow, now we have both been hooked into climbing it tomorrow. Won't lie, I'm kind of excited. However, keep in mind we are the same people who, just a few years ago, hiked for twenty minutes, decided we were tired, and went to McDonald's instead. Let's see if we can actually make it to the top this time. Picnic, anyone?

It's senior year, and I'm glad I no longer have a demanding schedule every weekend. Surprisingly, I enjoy the extra time I have with my parents. (For the most part, anyways.) On the four hours or so we spent on the car today, we talked about everything -- from silly Asian culture and Amy Tan to American trivia and future college plans. Overall, a very productive Saturday, if I do say so myself.

Let's see what tomorrow brings. :D

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