Sunday, November 29, 2009


So I haven't been to the library since before I left for ADVENT...roughly around early July. That translates into: "I've been horribly deprived of porn for a very long time." On top of all that, when I finally find the time, I discover that they've completely demolished Porn Palace, I mean, the library! Yesterday, I dragged my parents to Noble library (Yes, NOBLE library, of all places). It took me two whole minutes to find the porn section, and get this, it was mixed in with the sci-fi and the mystery. Heathens.

Anyways, I borrow like six books. I tried to balance out the porn with Jane Eyre and a book about the last big Mafia families. (The Godfather thing right now, forgive me.)

It's been a long time since I've truly devoured one of these. I discovered I was a bit rusty...

I was skimming along, and I've totally forgotten how boring porn is when it has a plot. I finally get to the first kiss scene (87 pages in. This book obviously sucks) and like...there it was, in all it's glory, "penis". I mean, wow, that's subtle. It's bluntness shocked me. (Pun intended. Hee.) I was so offended that I actually shut the book and put it down. It took me all of thirty seconds to realize that I was being totally silly. That's how long it's been! Damn! Of course, I call my sister immediately, and we proceed to have a twenty minute conversation that went along the lines of "OMG. ME TOO!" a little Rubber Band Man. Don't ask.

Porn has just become so...disappointing. (Sigh)

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