1.) Orgo isn't that bad --
Took my first Orgo exam and it wasn't as terrifying as I thought it would be. I spent the entire night previous tossing and turning and dreaming about oversleeping. I studied insanely hard for that test, and if it weren't for Orgo as a Second Language, I'd probably still be puzzling over Falzone's crazy CPS questions. Now they just need to come up with Nervous System as a Second Language. Still, now is not the time to get cocky. I think the next test is coming up in around two weeks. College life sucks. NBD.
2.) My brain is no longer able to focus exclusively on one task --
This has been one of my greatest fears for a while now (along with losing my hair, getting noticeable cavities, being poor, and dying alone), but I've noticed that I'm having more and more difficulties staying on task. I read a few studies about people who multi-task often being less able to focus on single tasks but performing better when it comes to task-switching. This basically means we are almost permanently in a flexible state of mind/attention, a good or bad thing depending on the task at hand. When I watch my TV shows on Hulu, I often have the show playing on the left side of the screen while simultaneously playing Tetris, Minesweeper, or Words With Friend on the right side of the screen. Never reversed. For some reason, I can't focus on my Tetris this way. I should really look into the neural implications of that. GOD, look, off task! Anyways, have I trained myself to become ADD? For the past several lectures, I've found myself spacing off in Nervous System lectures. It's gotten to the point where I'm looking at past midterms and I don't recognize some of the terms. It's like "Did he mention that during lecture? What was the last lecture about anyways? Come to think of it...and the one before that?" Screw City. That's where I am.
3.) Reuniting with the piano after a year is like having sex with a stranger --
Loud, discordant sex. Everything is strange, yet familiar. Thrilling. Your hands need to explore and remap every surface, and each touch provokes a new, unexpected sound. It takes a while to find a steady rhythm, and occasionally you find yourself getting carried away, going too hard, too fast. Anyways, need to
4.) I have the greatest family in the world. And I miss them---
My sister called me at midnight and we basically chatted it up for half an hour despite my looming Orgo Test. It felt like forever since we'd actually caught up. Damn, I can't wait for Thanksgiving. The day before my birthday, my parents had actually mailed me a care package chock full of food and other goodies. There was also a DVD that said "Abby's 19th Birthday" and a card. For a second, I questioned whether my father forgot that I was turning 19 and was sending me pictures/videos from my 18th. Such a trusting daughter I am. Anyways, I decided to exercise my self-control and open them on my birthday. I figured I would need the encouragement before my test. My birthday rolls around and I pop the DVD in. I start reading the card as I wait for it to load. By the time the video started, I'm already bawling. Then my Dad starts tearing up in the video, which makes my Mom start tearing up, and this of course reduces me to a sobbing mess. Tears. All over my keyboard. I blame my father. But the catharsis was good for me. That afternoon, I receive a package in the mail. My sister sent me a Shakespeare insults mug (which I paid for. Ha.) But yessss. Now I can finally put my coffee in a cup that doesn't leak! :D GAAAH. I want to go home so damn badly.
5.) God has blessed me with good friends.
Every year, I pull a bitch move and do not inform anyone it is my birthday. And of course, each year, the occasional stubborn friend pulls some Sherlock shit and finds out, the hard work put in involuntarily preserving the special date in memory for all posterity. Devious? I think so. Anyways, the birthday wishes I get do make me feel cherished and loved. Especially the picture ones that threaten to force me out of the closet. (hrmhrm) My small group leader had originally asked to meet up, not knowing it was my birthday. She cancelled the day before and I thought nothing of it, only to discover that she had done so to bake me brownies. D: THE LOVE. Then, I get back from small group to find my friends sitting in the kitchen, waiting to surprise me. Cute. :) I was coming back to my room after small group and decided to stick the brownies in the fridge. I waltz into the kitchen/living room area, totally not noticing that the door was shadily closed. I'm halfway into the room before I see Chumin and Roger and I say "hey", not yet registering that there's a few more people sitting in the sofa in my peripheral. It takes me about two more seconds to realize that they are not Bonnie's friends, as I had originally assumed, but mine....the same amount of time it took them to cease their chatter, blink owlishly at me, and shout a belated "SURPRISE!". BEST BIRTHDAY SURPRISE EVER. I think I surprised them more than they surprised me. (; Of course, Jenna on the side; "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO GO TO YOUR ROOM." hahahahaha.
6.) Free birthday things bring much happiness --
I got a free burger + two sides at Ruby Tuesdays and a free $6 coffee at starbucks (venti salted caramel mocha. too sweet, in my opinion) On a semi-relevant note, I also bought myself a Slurpee because it was my birthday and I felt entitled. BLUE RASPBERRY. YUM.
I spent yesterday and the Hibachi Grill and Supreme Buffet with my friends. We also went to the mall. I had made them walk 1.2 miles to the bus stop so we could save on taxi money (I'm a bad friend) so by the time we got to the mall, I just wanted to sit. Needless to say, I didn't buy anything except Starbucks....slowly making my way to Gold level, yes I am. It was gorgeous yesterday, blue skies with not a cloud in sight. Food in my belly, refillable tea in hand, I was at the top of the world. On the entire bus ride home, I was just praising and thanking God for all the different ways he's blessed me in life. School was the furthest thing from my mind. But now I'm sitting in my room in my PJs, looking over Nervous System notes/slides that look completely foreign too me, and praising God is not exactly #1 on my list of things to do right now. I think it's sitting pretty somewhere around #4. But that's just awful of me. Who can't praise God when life is going great? It's the times that are hard that you really need to trust in Him, rely on Him, and give all praise and honor to Him. Easier said then done. Right now I'm praying that he'll help me to surrender all my thoughts and insecurities, all my iniquities to Him. God, it's hard.
Sometimes problems are easier to solve with a few shots of tequila. Falling sooooo short right now.