Day Two of conscious TV fasting. I actually have gone several days without TV now, but I have only consciously abstained from TV for two. Why you ask? It's just something I'm trying on my quest to hear God's voice. To be frank, I've been struggling with some things lately, and in these situations, I find it best to give it all to God. Fasting from food doesn't really mean anything to me, so I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone (Gosh, that's awful. Who the hell would do that?) and give something that would make a meaningful impact on my life while clearing up time to deal with more important things.
Anyways, I've always felt that whether or not we mean it to happen, something good often comes with our suffering. As I've mentioned many times before, I get crazy dreams when I haven't watched TV in a while. I figured I might as well share them for your entertainment.
I was in NY. Amy had just left, and I was walking into the subway station when I see Timothy Omundson (Det. Lassiter from Psych) in the crowd. Super excited, I am disconcerted when I realize that I didn't bring my camera and that I'd have to settle for a cell phone picture. I'm a little nervous because he looks like he's in a bad mood, but I figure it's my only chance and I never got that picture with Colbert, so I shyly ask him if it's OK if we take a picture together. He considers this for a while and says "You know, I'd love to, but I really need to go buy some tomatoes, socks, and Lysol." I am a little devastated and almost burst out "I'LL GO WITH YOU!" but I refrain. I thank him and walk away. Suddenly, I find myself in a grocery store, standing in front of the tomato display. I freak out, wondering how I ended up there, and hoping I won't run into Timothy so he won't think I'm some sort of crazy stalker fan.
The dream skips at this point. I am Shawn and I am locked in the attic of my Dad's house. Lassie and Jules caught me and placed me under surveillance because I have been framed for a crime. Desperate to escape, I try kicking at the frames of the windows and vents, hoping to create a hole large enough to crawl through. I finally kick out the ceiling vent and crawl out. I find myself staring at the backyard from above. Suddenly, I see two people in the yard. I duck down but one has already seen me. I recognize him as Cam from Modern Family. He gestures for me to make my escape while he distracts Mitch.
I run to an intersection and out of the corner of my eye, I see Lassie's car heading in the wrong direction. Breathing a sigh of relief, I run into a grocery store. I run into a guy who looks similar to me in height and build. He introduces himself with a smirk and informs me that he misdirected the cops, telling them I had made a dash into the subway. He tries to befriend me, but my crazy observational skills put two and two together, and I know he is the one who framed me. He tells me to hide while he makes sure the coast is clear. I know he will try to double cross me, so I quickly hide in the back of the grocery store near the exit. Sure enough, the cops pour in, vegetables go flying everywhere as cops fire indiscriminately into the store. I make my exit through the back but I know Jules has seen me.Jules tries to cut me off, but I dive into a truck that has been conveniently left by the side of the road and drive off.
At this point, the dream becomes third person.
Shawn and Lassie are in the car, not pursuing Jules. they are on a circular track. Shawn realizes that due to centripetal force (Don't ask), the faster drive, the larger or smaller the track becomes. Next to Jules, they are driving relatively fast because Lassie is a maniac. Thus, no matter how much faster they drive, they are on a completely different track from Jules and will never catch her. Lassie slows down and they see Jules coming up ahead of them...
Yeah, then I woke up. Anyways, will continue to update as I have them.
Also, on a separate note, I woke up in the middle of the night because this beastly wind blew in through the window and ripped through the room. I, annoyed, got up and closed my window. Not three seconds later, another gust of wind sounds and all of a sudden, I hear a noise like someone's directing a hose at my window. THAT'S how hard it rained last night. Thank God for waking me up not a moment too soon. My laptop and printer would have been drenched.