Monday, October 25, 2010


College is definitely a very different environment from high school. Looking back, I've discovered that high school was a joke. Remember getting 90% and above on tests? Now, we pray for the median/curve to be set around 70 or 80%. My test scores of late have been less than exemplary. It's a rude wakeup call. Half-ass will no longer suffice. It's time to actually buckle up and do work. Shocking.

My midterm scores are horrifying. If not for covered grades, I'm pretty sure I would have flunked out of school already. My chances of making Dean's list are extremely slim. (3.7 GPA) Here's what I'm working with.

Physics Midterm #1:
76/100. Median was 81. Highest score? 100. Multiple. Bastards.

Chem Midterm #1:
83/100. I have no idea what the curve is.

Chem Lab Midterm #1:
72/100. Median was 69. Highest score is over 90.

My only saving grace is Intro to Physio Psych...but even there, things aren't looking too great.

Midterm #1: 97 out of 100. Highest score was 98. Median was in the 70's.
Midterm #2: 80/100. Median in the high 60's.

I MISS HAVING 90's. College just makes you feel bad about yourself. On the bright side, it does motivate you to work harder. I sincerely hope that things get better.

Feverish prayer right now. 24/7

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Jailbait No More!

Another birthday has come and gone. This was the first time I've celebrated away from home. I must admit that I had planned to spend the whole day moping. I neglected to tell anyone when my birthday was. Chumin found out because she stole my wallet. Priscilla found out because she's gotten crazy good with her ninja observational skills. I was doing pretty well until Kimberly came along and made a public announcement on my Facebook...

My usual birthday goes something like this: 1.) Celebrate with friends at school, 2.) Real party begins when family goes out to restaurant of my choice, 3.)Come home, slice cake, take pictures! That's an ideal birthday. Sometimes, we end up fighting...but usually, we can stay civil until Christmas. I guess it was just weird coming to terms with the fact that my birthday would end at step one this year. Incomplete. ):

I'm really homesick. I've been homesick since I got here. I'm the first person to admit I'm an oversentimental weenie, but this is just getting ridiculous. My hallmates were the first to surprise me with a rendition of the birthday song at midnight. (Agony.) I was touched. I didn't know any of them even knew it was my birthday. I stayed up until 1 AM texting and calling family and friends. Somehow, it was more depressing that they had to call because they wer eso damn far away. D: Anyway, I spent the day trying to forget it was my birthday. I was doing a pretty good job until I was trying to get my letter to Anita mailed, and the lady who swiped my card said "Oh, it's your birthday today?" Apparently the computer system is programmed to pop up with "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" when it's someone's birthday. Cute. So I changed my mind and decided to buy myself a scratch card. Wasted a dollar. My day seemed gloomier than ever.

I was getting really emo by late afternoon. Then I discovered that my parents had bought and mailed me the complete Sherlock Holmes anthology. Somehow, this made me sadder. I finally gave in and went to find some company before I attempted to strangle myself with my laptop power cord.

I joined Jenna in the social lounge to watch the Phillies game. Phillies won. What's-his-face pitched a perfect game. Halladay? Jenna's man. I basically brought my laptop down and listened to my Physio Psych lecture while watching the game. Essentially, I spent my birthday alone and studying. Just what my sister's card (which I received the day after my birthday) told me not to do. hahahaha.

I thought I got my birthday over with when I was in bed by 9:30, doing a crossword. Suddenly, I hear a knock at the door. When I open the door, my friends surprise my with this huge Coldstone cake! Red Velvet with strawberry ice cream and cheesecake crumbles. OMG. Orgasmic! It turns out, they spent the whole day pretending they didn't know and scheming behind my back. hahahaha. The day suddenly made more sense. The mysterious texting during Chem. Chumin randomly asking me what my favorite kind of cake was...what my favorite flavor was... her frustration when I replied "Blue Raspberry". HAHAHA. I don't make things easy. (;

I'm so thankful for the friends I've made here at JHU. I guess this is God reminding me that I'm not alone and that I have family here. I was just thinking that when Rachel Lee decided to make a family tree. Hopkins family! I'm the creeper/perverted Grandma. Woot woot! God's blessings are abundant! :D

Anyways, it's still hard to believe that I'm going to be spending the next four years of my life here. But somehow...I think it's going to be all right.